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HomeShipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

The shipping methods from FSC.SALE are not fixed but flexible to you. You can select the most suitable shipping method based on your conditions and requirements. Even, we suggest you to use your own shipping forwarder to cut down shipping cost. The shipping methods can be Express shipping, Air Cargo, Road Shipping, Train Cargo or Sea Cargo.


Shipping Fees

By default, FSC.SALE offers product prices under FOB or EXW trade terms. The shipping fee and insurance fee are extra fees, not included in the product prices.


Shipping Methods

The shipping method can be decided by you based on your conditions or requirements, like cost and timing. It can be Express shipping, Air Cargo, Road Shipping, Train Cargo or Sea Cargo.


China Customs Clearance

FSC.SALE encourages you to use your own shipping forwarders to cut down the shipping cost. Your forwarder will be responsible for handling customs clearance and delivering the goods to you. FSC.SALE will help provide information to your forwarder when they handle the customs clearance in China port. If your forwarder requests FSC.SALE to handle the customs clearance in China port, there will be extra cost borne by you.


Destination Customs Clearance

FSC.SALE will not be able to handle the destination customs clearance except DDP shipping method is used. Actually the forwarder company will handle the destination customs clearance when you use DDP shipping. For normal shipping methods, you may need to work with the forwarder company to handle the destination customs clearance and get the goods delivered to you in the end trip.


Clearance Failure & Delivery Failure

If the clearance handled by FSC.SALE failed in China customs, FSC.SALE will be responsible for the failure and re-arrange the clearance without additional charge. If the clearance handled by the buyer’s forwarder failed in China customs, the buyer or buyer’s forwarder will be responsible for the failure. If the clearance in destination customs failed, buyer or buyer’s forwarder will be responsible for the failure.